Symbolizing gentility, femininity, elegance and refinement, the pink rose also carries additional meanings depending on its hue. A deep pink conveys gratitude and appreciation, while pale shades connote grace and gentleness, admiration and happiness. Pink roses are also some of the few varieties that have retained their fragrance. Advanced breeding techniques that usually select for size, insect resistance, and longevity seem to select against fragrance. Not so for our Big Pinks. If you want the stink, go with pink. I just made that up. I swear.Doesn't necessarily say, "Hello, Kitty." Recently, pink has also become the color of Breast Cancer Awareness made popular by the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation. Guys who are into the NFL found this out during football season when they saw their teams running around in pink shoes. Be sure to check out the other creative ideas to raise awareness and badly needed funds for breast cancer at Passionately Pink.
So, sending pink is very cool. Tiger Lily has you covered for Valentine's Day.